Quantcast Vegetarian StarTori Spelling Animal Rescue “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me”

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Lovers Quarrel?

Tori Spelling revealed 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me to Us Magazine, and several of these secrets lead us to believe Spelling has the potential to be both a great animal activist and vegetarian.

For example, she works with rescue animals and took in cats–even though they make her sneeze!:
“I’m allergic to cats, but I had three of them for years because they’re supercute and I work with rescue animals.”

She wants to open her own animal sanctuary up one day:
“One day, I want to open an animal sanctuary to house all the homeless, unwanted and abandoned animals.”

If we can’t get her off meat completely, she’d likely do well as a pescatarian:
“Could live on sushi and be really happy!”

She’s got that small farmer, grow you own mentality:
“I dream of living on a farm. I want chickens, goats, cows and horses! We want to grow our own veggies and fruits and make our own milk and cheese!”

Vegetarian Star suggests Tori make her own vegan cheese.

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