Quantcast Vegetarian StarKeanu Reeves Improves Semen Quality At Vegan Restaurant

82nd Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

Keanu Reeves was caught chatting with an attractive brunette while waiting for a take out order, according to Metro.

“Bearded Keanu Reeves tries very hard not to check out this fellow vegan’s long slim legs as he waits for a veggie takeaway at Real Foods Daily in Hollywood.”

Keanu and other gentleman might want to continue similar dining habits if they expect to get anywhere other than the “to go” line with any brunette, blond or redhead.

Oxygen’s Sue Johanson, registered nurse and sex educator, says that men who are vegetarian or vegan have semen that taste “sweet and nutlike,” while meat eaters’ taste like “burnt leather.”

Watch the clip to hear Johanson explain more.

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