Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Nash Vegetarian With A Thing For Cheeseburgers

The MOJO Honours List 2009 - Arrivals

Kate Nash has a brand new diet to complement this month’s release of her latest album, My Best Friend Is You.

Vegetarian, dairy and gluten-free isn’t always the easiest to follow, and although Kate feels super great, she misses her favorite friend the cheeseburger.

Plus, she’s annoying. From Shockhound:

“My diet has actually changed. I’m a really annoying person now, one of those people I never thought I’d be. Because I’m allergic to wheat and dairy, and I’m a vegetarian. But my favorite food is still cheeseburgers, which is really bad. But I do feel healthier, and I don’t get any weird wheat/dairy infections, so that’s good, too.”

Somebody tell poor Kate to stock up the tour bus with a Whole Foods 365 Vegan Burger and non dairy cheese.

In a blind taste test conducted by staffers at Vegetarian Times (May/June 2006), the 365 patty was chosen as the best vegan burger and was said to have a “hearty flavor” and “go good on a grill.”

If Kate doesn’t like it, maybe her new pet rabbit Fluffy, who she’ll be taking on tour in Europe and the UK, will.

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