Quantcast Vegetarian StarLivia Firth Influenced By Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”

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Livia Firth got involved in being green three years ago, and more recently she discovered Jonathan Safran Foer, author of the book, Eating Animals, that made her rethink her eating habits.

“I recently read an interview with Jonathan Safran Foer, who wrote the book, Eating Animals, about becoming a vegetarian,” Firth told Ecostiletto. “He pointed out that if you eat meat only one day less a week it’s the equivalent of taking five million cars off the road.”

Firth insists that anyone can make the most of their buying habits, regardless of their budget.

“Once you know these things it becomes less about what background and money you have—it’s about how you behave as a consumer.”

“Instead of buying an economy pack of chicken and eating that every day, eat pasta or vegetables and buy organic chicken once a week.”

Firth tries to buy local and organic whenever possible and has three veggie beds in her garden, something she’s been doing since childhood without attaching the label “green” to it.

“As Italians, the way we grew up was just that way—we cooked only fresh, locally produced food. It just came naturally.”

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