Quantcast Vegetarian StarThe Pretenders Enjoy Secret Avocado Sandwich Recipe On Tour

Classic Rock Roll Of Honour - Show

When on tour, Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders love to engage in some serious avocado snacking.

“We must be the only band that on our catering there’s a big bowl of avocados!” Hynde told stuff.co.nz.

But there’s no guacamole dip being passed between the band members.

Chrissie and her crew prefer the green goodness between slices of bread.

“Nick, my bass player, has this secret recipe for avocado sandwiches which we eat every night on tour,” Hynde explained.

An avocado a day may keep the bad cholesterol away for the band, as the fruit is rich in heart healthy monounsaturated fat, shown in several studies to lower both LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides.

If you get the chance to ask Hynde for her autograph, see if she’ll scribble the sandwich recipe on the CD jacket as well.

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