Quantcast Vegetarian StarSubway Restaurants To Phase In Cage-Free Eggs

Subway Restaurants To Phase In Cage-Free Eggs

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 25th, 2010 in Business, Restaurants.

New York Council Member Proposes Restrictions On Fast Food Restaurants

Subway restaurants in the U.S. will begin phasing in cage-free eggs, a practice already adopted by its UK franchises.

As part of its new animal welfare policy, Subway will first ensure that 4% of the eggs used in its breakfast menus are sourced from cage-free suppliers, with the goal of eventually having 100% of eggs obtained from hens that are not confined in battery cages.

“Subway’s new animal welfare policy will help improve conditions for animals within its supply chain and throughout the nation,” stated Matthew Prescott, corporate outreach director for The Humane Society of the United States’ factory farming campaign. “The Humane Society of the United States applauds Subway for beginning to phase out its use of eggs from hens confined in cages.

Subway has also taken steps to use meat obtained from more humane methods, and more than 5% of its turkey comes from suppliers that used controlled atmosphere killing, a process said to reduce suffering of slaughtered birds.

Subway is part of a group of fast food franchises pledging to make similar changes related to animal welfare, including Denny’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and IHOP.

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