Quantcast Vegetarian StarPlanet Green “Future Food” Offers Unusual Fake Meat Creations

Planet Green is debuting a new show that explores creating food using both science and creativity.

Future Food premiers on March 30 at 10 PM and follows the adventures of chefs Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche as they are given the challenges of creating food that is healthier on both humans and the planet.

Future episodes show Cantu and Roche creating seafood without the fish using watermelon and chicken nuggets made from corn.

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2 Responses to “Planet Green “Future Food” Offers Unusual Fake Meat Creations”

  1. “Future Food” “Burger Wars” Corn On Cob Faux Chicken Nuggets Says:

    […] Food, a show challenging two chefs to make food that’s more environmentally friendly, premieres tomorrow on Planet […]

  2. Ady Gil May Turn “The Hump” Former Seafood Restaurant Vegan Says:

    […] he will call upon the chefs of Planet Green’s Future Food to make a vegetarian watermelon sushi once the vegan hump is in […]