Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Future Food” “Burger Wars” Corn On Cob Faux Chicken Nuggets

Health Food Junk Food

Future Food, a show challenging two chefs to make food that’s more environmentally friendly, premieres tomorrow on Planet Green.

On a future episode of Future Food titled “Burger Wars,” a faux chicken nugget is created using tofu and corn on the cob.

Although there aren’t any birds in the recipe, 4 eggs are called for.

4 ears of corn (whole, on cob)
1 pound of tofu (firm)
1 cup of hickory wood chips
1/2 gallon of water
4 eggs
1 tablespoon salt, plus additional for seasoning flour
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
Vegetable oil

The eggs are added just before the patty nuggets are formed, so more than likely they serve to keep the mixture together instead of adding any substantial flavor, which indicates this might work well with a vegan egg replacer.

Planet Green has advice for those without a smoker:

“A makeshift smoker can be made by putting your wood chips in the bottom of a deep “hotel pan,” which is a large rectangular pan with tall sides, and a similarly sized hotel pan with perforations placed on top of the wood chip pan. Heat this over a flame until wood starts to smoke, add your items to be smoked, and cover with a lid.”

Grab the instructions for making corn on the cob tofu chicken nuggets.

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