Quantcast Vegetarian StarForest Whittaker Weight Loss Aided By Vegetarian Diet

82nd Annual Academy Awards - Show

Wow O Wow!

Forest Whittaker has lost weight and is looking younger and better than ever!

Whittaker had to put on 70 pounds for the role in which he won an Oscar for in 2007 in The Last King of Scotland.

He cites his vegetarian diet as a good way to not only lose weight, but to ward off diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

He also got serious about exercising, adding hiking and marital arts to his regime.

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4 Responses to “Forest Whittaker Weight Loss Aided By Vegetarian Diet”

  1. Luana Marmaduke Says:

    It is sad to see children getting fatter all the time. It is more unfortunate to see the majority of these children grow up as fat and obese people.

  2. Alex Says:

    While the “marital arts” might be a fun exercise program, I think you meant “martial arts.”

    Kudos to Forest Whitaker! He gives me hope.

  3. Henry Says:

    Great actor! And the vegan diet is really something that works wonders.. Hopefully he can inspire more people to look into one of the best diets in my opinion.

  4. Forest Whitaker Maintains Vegetarian Diet, Cuts Out Soy To Lose Weight | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] lifestyle, by cutting out fatty treats like pizza, pasta and ice cream. Apparently, Whitaker had packed on 70 lbs to play Ugandan dictator Idi Amin for his Oscar winning role in The Last King of […]