Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoss Stone Travel Adventures Make Consuming Fresh Veggies Hard

Joss Stone Switches On The Hard Rock Cafe Christmas Tree Lights

Joss Stone‘s traveled to some beautiful places in her lifetime, including Greece, Costa Rica and Turkey.

She likes to bring along her dogs, and although she usually has breathtaking experiences, not all of her travel adventures have been positive.

Joss says a reservation error landed her in a hotel with ants and an unpleasant smell.

Then there’s always the food and drink dilemma, which Joss says go hand in hand since so much of her food requires rinsing with fresh water.

“I avoid drinking the water until I know whether it is clean or not. I’ve heard loads of horror stories of people being ill and coming down with diarrhea just from drinking the water in other countries. It makes it extra difficult for me because I’m a vegetarian, and most of the salads and vegetables are washed using tap water.”

Joss’s is currently performing to promote her lastest album, Colour Me Free.

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