Quantcast Vegetarian StarHayden Panettiere At “The Cove” Celebration Talks Animal Captivity

HAVEN360, Creative Coalition And Roadside Attractions Celebrate The Cove

Hayden Panettiere attended a celebration for the award winning film, The Cove at Haven 360 when she was caught by The Dish Rag.

Hayden was pretty passionate about views on the use of animals for entertainment, and makes the next celebrity out of dozens to voice her disapproval of organizations like Sea World.

Hayden said animals self-mutilate in these conditions because of stress and said the Sea World incident should serve as a wake up call.

“Have you ever seen a parrot pull out its feathers? It’s from depression. How do you put an interactive, social animal, one of the smartest animals in the world… and you’re going to stick them in a tub and make them do tricks? How do you do that? Because they make money? It’s disgusting and Sea World is absolutely wrong. This is a big wake up call. How many more people are going to have to be killed? When are we going to realize that these animals are not supposed to be there?”

Hayden has become politically active, reaching out to lawmakers in the United States and in Japan, where she met with the Foreign Minister of Japan and the Minister of Fisheries at the Japanese Embassy.

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