Quantcast Vegetarian StarBethenny Frankel Prepares Low Cost Vegetarian Meal

Bethenny Frankel Prepares Low Cost Vegetarian Meal

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 6th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Reality TV, Recipes.

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The Early Show Saturday Edition gave Bethenny Frankel the task of preparing a healthy, three course meal for four at a budget price of only $40.

Bethenny prepared a pesto vegetarian lasagna, arugula salad with dressing and a vegan chocolate cake with peanut butter icing.

The vegetarian lasagna contains part skim ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, so it can easily be veganized if needed.

Bethenny said of the vegan chocolate cake made with oat flour:

“When I first made this recipe, my fiancé and I stared at each other for days afterward, marveling at how moist and delicious this cake was. We couldn’t believe it. I even accused him of dumping a stick of butter into the batter when I was in the bathroom. I kept looking at the recipe trying to figure out what made it so moist. It really is the dessert mystery of all time, as far as I’m concerned.”

A detailed description of some of the key ingredients to Bethenny’s meal can be found at CBS News.

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