Quantcast Vegetarian StarJack Hanna Defends SeaWorld, Keeping Whales Captive (Video)

Jack Hanna Defends SeaWorld, Keeping Whales Captive (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 26th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Videos.

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Jack Hanna appeared on the Early Show where he discussed the recent tragedy of the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau by a killer whale.

Early Show co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez questioned SeaWorld’s judgement for keeping Tilikum, given the fact the whale had been implicated in the death of other trainers.

Hanna defended both SeaWorld and the practice of keeping whales in captivity.

“I take my hat off to SeaWorld to take a killer whale that someone said we should euthanize, (and) bring it to SeaWorld,” Hanna said.

“We do everything we can (to put) the safety of our animals and visitors first. The SeaWorld in-vitro planted, they can now take sperm and eggs and have a baby killer whale. Let’s say 20, 30 years from now, there’s 200 killer whales left in the wild. Let me tell you where we’re going to go: We’re going to go to SeaWorld and see what to to save this magnificent creature. That’s how valuable it is for what we’re doing with research. I hear all these other people commenting with killer whales. Give me a break. Seaworld are the ones that know more about killer whales, and the millions of dollars they spend this rescuing whales is unbelievable. And we put them back out in the wild. So no one hears about this.”

What’s your take on whales being kept in marine parks like SeaWorld?

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7 Responses to “Jack Hanna Defends SeaWorld, Keeping Whales Captive (Video)”

  1. Valerie Says:

    Jack Hanna sucks big-time. His whole life has been dedicated to exploiting animals. It makes me sick when he appears on talk shows as an ‘expert’

  2. Rad_Rosa89 Says:

    He needs to be slapped in the face!
    Exploiting animals is SO wrong!!

  3. Jeff Says:

    From the tourists video I watched. Just moments before the incident took place Dawn was lying face down in about 4 inches of water at the edge of the pool playing with Tilicum. She was in the water face down playing with him! She simply got to comfortable with him and paid the ultimate price. Very sad but avoidable!

  4. lorraine bottreau Says:

    Living on the other side of the planet and having never seen this Jack Hanna, it took only seconds on Larry King Live Show earlier for me to hate this torturer of animals and the nonsensical comments he made. He is the sole responsible for the death of the lady and for the stress the poor whale is suffering. He should wear his stupid hat and get a guitar and go sing to make money. Leave other living creatures alone to live their lives. Hope every penny made exploiting animals brings him great sadness and unhappiness multiplied by his so called 30 million followers, I pity them too. KUDOZ to Ingrid, first time I have the pleasure of seeing you. Congrats! You may have 2 million members in America but you have over 30 million in the world, that may not be actual subscribers but follow and support your actions!!! This Hanna guy, was that all he could say?, how sad…

  5. Patrick Says:

    Jack Hanna is all about the $$. How disappointing. Clearly, he has a financial interest in Seaworld and, thus, defends their actions and the caging of the Killer Whales. Anyone in the right mind could not support the theory that keeping a 12k killer whale in a pool to swim in circles is right. Yes, all about the $. No one cares about the Killer Whales. No education, no research – just greed.

    I hope Tippy Hendron can change this.

  6. Michael Says:

    What a tool! “let me talk in circles and insult your intelligence one more time”

  7. Mel Says:

    What more can you say about an arsehole who condoned the death of critically endangered animals in Ohio. His followers are insane and delusional just like him. He’s a wildlife “pimp”.