Quantcast Vegetarian StarKellan Lutz PETA Adoption Ad

Kellan Lutz PETA Adoption Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 25th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz

Another Twilight star has offered to pose in a PETA ad.

Kellan Lutz stars in this PSA urging his Twihard fans and everyone else to adopt a cat or dog instead of buying one at a pet store.

Lutz personally experienced the joy of bringing a shelter animal into his life when he adopted his dog, Nola.

“She wanted a home, and I think she felt that I was the right owner for her. And from that day on, I just loved her.”

The Twilight cast is doing a great job publicly promoting animal welfare issues.

Would love to see the vegetarian Cullens get together and do a “We’d Rather Eat Humans Than Wear Fur,” ad.

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One Response to “Kellan Lutz PETA Adoption Ad”

  1. Veronica Says:

    The name of the dog is Kola, and he also has a rescued chihuahua named Kevin