Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Moss Leaves Vivienne Westwood Show–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Kate Moss looks a bit worse for wear as she leaves the Vivienne Westwood fashion show arm in arm with Mario Testino

Oh, dear.

What’s happened to Kate Moss?

The model who’s BFFs include ethical designer Stella McCartney was recently seen leaving a Vivienne Westwood fashion show in London.

Kate made the announcement she was giving meat-free Mondays a try and although she’s been called out for her fur loving ways in the past, Kate’s been spotted faking it before.

Take a look and decide for yourself.

Is Kate fur real?

Sure hope she’s faking it.

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2 Responses to “Kate Moss Leaves Vivienne Westwood Show–Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. starGazer Says:

    I think that’s goat fur, which is a animal by-product, just like wool and cashmere.

  2. debby Says:

    cashmere and wool are not byproducts. Sheep and goats are raised specifically for harvesting these fibers and the process is anything but kind. Look up mulesing and see how the sheep on Australian sheep farms are mutilated as lambs and then see how these animals are shipped to middle eastern countries by the boatloads after they can no longer grow fine enough wool. During transport they die of hunger and thirst and when the survivors finally arrive in port they are further brutalised. When people use animals, the animals always suffer.