Quantcast Vegetarian StarKirsten Dunst–Lost In Fur Translation

Kirsten Dunst–Lost In Fur Translation

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 21st, 2010 in Actresses, Fur.

Nordstrom & Vogue Host Quicktake : Rodarte Exhibition Opening Party

Kirsten Dunst attended the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum’s Rodarte exhibit where the NY Post was able to catch her thoughts on the fur explosion at New York Fashion Week.

“You know what, I don’t hate on people that wear fur, obviously, but I just, as an actress I know that I repre — like, people go, ‘Oh, she looks cool in that,’ and it’s not my fave. I don’t want animals being killed for — it’s not my favorite thing.”

That’s quite a mouthful to take in, but the Veg Star thinks Kirsten meant something like this:

KD: You know what, I don’t hate on people that wear fur
Translation: I won’t throw paint on you if you wear fur

KD: as an actress I know that I repre — like
Translation: I don’t want to set a bad example by wearing fur

KD: people go, ‘Oh, she looks cool in that,’ and it’s not my fave
Translation: She looks really ugly in that. Some people have really bad taste in fashion.

KD: I don’t want animals being killed for — it’s not my favorite thing
Translation: Killing animals for fur is just wrong. Period.

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One Response to “Kirsten Dunst–Lost In Fur Translation”

  1. Dunst Says:

    Kirsten Dunst has worn lots of fur in her day. She was photographed for the cover of some fashion mag in a full fur coat, and I remember a photo in Vogue of her actually wearing a rabbit fur dress–that’s right, an entire dress made of rabbit fur. She is just another hypocritical celeb who will claim to be anti-fur, but I’m sure she wears the real thing whenever she can.