Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Forks Over Knives” Features Doctors Advocating Vegetarian Diet

A film that follows the paths of two advocates of a plant based diet, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, is set for release later this year.

The film, Forks Over Knives, examines the idea that most medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease can be prevented by avoiding animal products.

The film also follows patients who have been diagnosed with these types of diseases after putting them on a plant based diet.

Watch the trailer for more.

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One Response to ““Forks Over Knives” Features Doctors Advocating Vegetarian Diet”

  1. Philip123 Says:

    There’s an interesting post over at the Health Journal Club that makes the case that people should just not eat anything that wasn’t a food 100 years ago. Gets rid of the aspartame, bleached GM flour, high fructose corn syrup garbage they try to pass off as food these days.