Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeona Lewis Not Shy About Fur And Animal Rights

Leona Lewis Not Shy About Fur And Animal Rights

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 17th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Female Singers, Fur.

Leona Lewis attends the Brit Awards

Leona Lewis looks as sweet as agave syrup, but don’t let that fool you into thinking she can easily be pushed around, especially when it comes to her beliefs.

She told Smooth Radio, “That’s a big misconception. I think that a lot of people are like ‘she’s shy, she’s very timid’. Once people get to know me they know that that’s actually not true. I am very opinionated. I stand up for what I believe.”

Like not believing in selling herself out for fur, as she explained to Smooth Radio about her decision to turn down a opening a sale for a department store that sold fur.

“Yeah they did offer me money to open the sale but I said no because they stock fur. They’re one of the few places that still do it. I just think it’s so backwards, it’s very evil and cruel. I definitely stand up for what I believe in when it comes to animal rights.”

Her most recent act of activism was getting the officials at the BRIT awards to change the menu.

Keep it up, Leona!

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