Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristina Pirello Top Healthy Ingredients

Christina Pirello Top Healthy Ingredients

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 16th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.


Looking for a crash course on what foods to load up on during your next grocery visit?

Then look no further than to Christina Pirello‘s Top 10 Ingredients for a Healthy Life at the Huffington Post.

Healthy oils, soy foods and lean proteins such as beans are included with Christina’s advice on why you should grab these while they’re hot (or cold, frozen, canned, bulk…)

Take a canned tomato, for instance. It’s may actually be better for you than served fresh.

“Unlike a lot of canned foods, canned tomatoes contain most of their nutrients. That means that you still benefit from most of the antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and the ever popular lycopene, essential to reproductive health, which is actually more efficiently absorbed by the body when the tomatoes are canned or cooked. All this adds up to a fruit that can help prevent heart disease and some cancers. Plus, the luscious tomato is high in potassium, but low in sodium, so it can be helpful in fighting high blood pressure and fluid retention.”

“Just be sure to buy canned tomatoes without salt. You can season them yourself. And skip the brands that add sugar. It’s not needed; tomatoes have an inherent sweetness that needs no enhancement. Do I need to tell you that organic tomatoes are best?”

Not really, but Christina definitely needs to tell you what the other top healthy ingredients are. Find out at the Huffington Post.

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