Quantcast Vegetarian StarZac Brown Band To PETA–Pickles Have Parents, Chicken New Tofu

The 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals

After being sent a letter from PETA that suggested they consider a vegetarian lifestyle and encourage fans to do the same, the Zac Brown Band has fired off a response on Twitter.

And it’s not exactly “We’ll have to try that sometime.”

“Dear PETA – Plants are living creatures too… Bacon had a mother but so did Pickle. It takes life to support life – welcome to the planet.”

The band must not have gotten their point across in one Tweet, because the next day, another reply was posted.

“Chicken is the new tofu.”


And heart disease is the new white meat.

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One Response to “Zac Brown Band To PETA–Pickles Have Parents, Chicken New Tofu”

  1. Zac Brown Of Zac Brown Band To Sell Vegan Spicy Ginger Marinade Says:

    […] you recall, the band, who’s famous for their song “Chicken Fried,” initially responded to the request on Twitter with a “Dear PETA – Plants are living creatures too… Bacon had a mother but so did […]