Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Skinny Bitch” Rory Freedman On Drinking Milk

“Skinny Bitch” Rory Freedman On Drinking Milk

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 9th, 2010 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Gretchen Ryan's "Little Pretty" Exhibition Opening

Those darn humans!

They’re so slow to catch on.

Like when it comes to consuming milk, for example, every other animal is so ahead of the game.

Says Skinny Bitch co-author Rory Freedman:

“When we have babies, we breastfeed them, and then at a certain point, we stop. It is exactly the same for cows and every other mammal on the planet. They produce milk when they give birth, they feed their young, and then they stop. We are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another species. We are the only species on the planet that drinks milk as adults.”

Rory’s got her theories on why humans are getting slower and slower when it comes to mastering the task of removing lips from nipple juice.

“Because the multi-million dollar dairy industry has convinced us that we need milk for healthy bones,” she said, and gave evidence to the contrary.

“Yale researchers found that countries with the highest dairy and meat intakes also suffer the highest osteoporosis rates.”

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