Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres Tells Katie Couric Why She Went Vegan

Ellen DeGeneres Tells Katie Couric Why She Went Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 4th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

Hope For Haiti Now: A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief held in Los Angeles

Ellen DeGeneres was interviewed by Katie Couric and she told Katie about her motivation for going vegan.

It all started with a little film narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

“I watched a documentary, Earthlings,” Ellen said. “It’s inside footage of factory farms; 50 billion animals a year are killed. They’re in pain, treated badly, diseased, pumped full of antibiotics. I saw the reality and just couldn’t ignore it. And I’m healthier and happier.”

You’ve heard Ellen’s reason’s for giving up meat, dairy, fish, cheese and poultry.

What’s yours?

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2 Responses to “Ellen DeGeneres Tells Katie Couric Why She Went Vegan”

  1. Gail Says:

    My reasons for going vegan are the same as Ellen’s. After giving up meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, I quickly discovered that compassion tastes good!

  2. Philip Smith Says:

    I’m so glad to hear Ellen Degeneres found Earthlings moving enough to convince her to go vegan. She’s got a good heart. I wish more people would watch it. Of course, many people who eat meat refuse to watch even a few minutes of footage from the killing room floors (such as the videos found on Peta’s website), let alone a feature-length documentary on the meat industry. Paul McCartney once said something to the effect that if all slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would stop eating meat. While that’s an obvious exaggeration, there is an element of truth to it.