Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicole Polizzi “Snooki” MTV “Jersey Shore”–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Nicole Polizzi, aka Snooki from MTV's popular Jersey Shore , joins her castmates at STK in LA

Nicole Polizzi, aka “Snooki” from Jersey Shore hung out with friends at STK in LA recently, covering up in this black furry looking coat.

If you know your Jersey Shore, you know Polizzi is an aspiring veterinary technician.

That’s why The Veg Star is hoping Snooki is already showing her concern for animals by wearing a fake fur coat.

It must be hard enough for a vet worker to put a sick or injured animal to sleep, but to know one died only for the sake of fashion?

Dr. Doolittle would be crying  his eyes out, confiding to the backyard squirrels.

Take a closer look and decide for yourself.

Is Snooki fur real?

Or is she faking it?

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3 Responses to “Nicole Polizzi “Snooki” MTV “Jersey Shore”–Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. Rad_Rosa89 Says:

    I love Snooki, but I would be really sad if that was real fur.

    It looks fake to me, but then again I can’t really tell.

    She needs to be a vegan or at least vegetarian, since she says that she loves animals.

  2. miko Says:

    you got it, rad_rosa. people who claim to love animals, but support factory farming and the slaughter of animals (in a country like the us, where we have so many options) are complete hypocrites.

  3. adihamo Says:

    I love those guys and the show i just found a great site which still offer some of their videos before it was scripted by MTV specially the Snooki Punched One