Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Moby On Sarah Palin Meat Eating Beliefs

Art of Elysium Gala

“ok, so sarah palin is releasing a book. and it’s filled with some insightful, thoughtful gems, like: ‘here’s my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?”

“the problem, of course, being that other things are also made out of meat. like, well, people. and doggies and kitties. and cute little human babies. so if we follow your logic, mrs palin, you are actually suggesting that god intended for us to eat humans and dogs and cats and human babies, as these things are all technically made out of meat. i’m not even being swiftian, i’m just exposing sarah palin’s thoughts to some simple logic. which might be problematic, as she is also the person who once talked about looking out her window and seeing vladimir putin staring back (although he’s technically 8,000 miles away, unless he’s recently moved to kamchatka).”

Moby, including his thoughts on Sarah Palin‘s book, Going Rogue on his blog.

This insight is even more cynically humorous than his theories on vegan zombies.

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