Quantcast Vegetarian StarTony Hawk The Counter Burger–Weird Vegetarian Friend Approves

Spike TV's 7th Annual Video Game Awards 2009 - Arrivals

If you’re offered the pleasure of eating lunch or dinner with professional skateboard legend and video game guru Tony Hawk, ask him to buy you a veggie burger at The Counter Burger restaurant.

A weirdo like yourself will be pleased.

“Lunch at @counterburger is really good,” he Tweeted. “This is not a plug, just a recommendation. Even my finicky weirdo vegetarian friend likes it.”

The Counter Burger menu will allow you to pick your burgers (which will obviously be meat free), then customize the toppings.

And these are no ordinary toppings, veg friends.

Cranberries on a burger? You can have that, as well as pineapple, corn and black bean salsa, guacamole and of course the regular burger features like onions, tomatoes and lettuce

Sick of ketchup?

Try peanut sauce instead.

Or, you can opt for the already built Unique Veggie burger with organic mixed greens, roasted red peppers, sprouts, onions and Dijon Basalmic Dressing.

Counter Burgers on mostly located in U.S. California, but also in major cities in states like Illinois, Washington and the countries of Ireland and Australia.

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