Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley, Rory Freedman, Bob Harper Nutrition Tips

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January 1st has arrived and that means the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine 21 Day Vegan Kickstart program has begun!

As mentioned before, there are several celebrities that offer tips for keeping up your resolution of going veg, like John Salley‘s advice on helping children make good food decisions.

“Adults influence kids’ eating habits. We have to improve kids’ eating habits—and re-educate adults about what is food and what is not food. People can have pizza and pastries without dairy products and eggs. They can have tofu mozzarella cheese or egg substitute and they should use agave in place of high-fructose corn syrup and refined whole sugar.”

Rory Freedman is also there to be the cheerleader in case you do cheat.

“If you slip up and get off track, forgive yourself. It’s okay to be imperfect and to make mistakes. Try to do better, that’s all.”

But with recipes like her Green Goddess pasta, it might be hard to even think about falling off track.

And Bob Harper wants you to examine what’s on your plate before asking why you feel tired and crummy every evening. And hopefully, put some of his black bean quinoa salad on there.

“When you pay attention to what you eat, it becomes easier to understand your relationship with food and how it affects your day-to-day life.”

For more celebrity nutrition tips, visit kickstart.pcrm.org.

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