Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres Portia de Rossi Chef Roberto Martin

Ellen DeGeneres Portia de Rossi Chef Roberto Martin

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 29th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Videos.

Ever wonder what the story is behind the man who makes Ellen DeGeneres‘ vegan tacos, roast and pot pie?

Roberto Martin is the kind of man every woman wants–because he knows how to cook a good veg meal!

Martin, the youngest of 15 children, originally wanted to dice the Obamas and Gores of the world instead of onions.

He studied political science at Cal State Fullerton.

He later studied at the Culinary Institute of America and found himself cooking for celebrities shortly thereafter.

Cooking for a family with a diabetic child was Martin’s motivation to switch to plant based cooking.

“Now that I cook exclusively vegan meals for Ellen and Portia, I’ve learned that the variety of experiences in my life has helped me along the way,” Martin says on Ellen’s website. “I know what it’s like to change your habits, to remove animal protein from your diet, and I plan on sharing my experience with you. Even if you start with just one meal a week, you can learn to cook healthy and delicious vegan meals without having to make a big change.”

In case you’ve forgotten how good Martin does his thing, watch the clip showing him demonstrating a vegan pot pie.

And grab some of his other recipe ideas here.

via scouseveg

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