Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristian Serratos PETA “Naked Ambition” Display Govinda Gallery

Christian Serratos PETA “Naked Ambition” Display Govinda Gallery

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 21st, 2009 in Actresses, Fur.

Christian Serratos Unveils Her PETA "Fur? I'd Rather Go Naked" Poster

Christian Serratos made an appearance at the recent exhibit of PETA anti-fur ads titled “Naked Ambition: 20 Years of PETA’s Sexy Celebrity Ads,” at the Govinda Gallery on M Street in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. this weekend.

The exhibit is free to the public through the month of December.

The Twilight star is the latest to join dozens of celebrities preaching the anti-fur message by stripping down to their bare skin.

Besides the ad featuring the lovely Christian, what’s your favorite PETA anti-fur ad?

via justjared and via nbcwashington.com

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