Quantcast Vegetarian StarTobey Maguire Natalie Portman–Who Would You [Brothers Edition]

Two veggie will rule the silver screens this Friday December 4 as Brothers, starring Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman, will be released.

Both have always been vocal about the veg life.

Tobey has asked Congress to put some vegetarian food in school lunches instead of the usual road kill meatloaf.

Natalie can’t stop telling people how great it is to be vegan after reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s Eating Animals.

She also couldn’t stop bumming food off Tobey and his chef during the filming of Brothers.

Between the two, who would you rather do…

The Cinema Society Screening Of "Brothers" - Arrivals Natalie Portman arrives for the 2009 Gotham Independent Film Awards in New York

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