Quantcast Vegetarian StarTom Cruise “Knight And Day” Set–7 Escaped Bulls Injure Women

24th Annual IMAGEN Awards

Tom Cruise‘s latest movie Knight and Day came to a halt recently when half ton animals escaped from the set.

The seven bulls were present to recreate a scene for Pamplona’s running of the bulls.

The animals were on the loose for half and hour and injured two women during their joyride through Spain.

PETA took the opportunity to write to Cruise, urging him to influence producers of the show to reconsider using the animals and cutting the scene altogether.

“The Running of the Bulls is an inherently cruel event that causes severe stress and often injury to the animals involved. The bulls’ hooves slip on the pavement as they race frantically, trying to escape the chaos. Sometimes, in their confusion, they bash into doors or the sides of buildings, breaking horns or legs. Human runners and spectators gouge them with sticks or pull their tails. People, too, are injured, gored, or trampled by bulls who are desperate to escape. What awaits the animals that evening in the bullring is even more gut-wrenching. Bulls are repeatedly stabbed and bled to weaken them, and bullfighters sever the animals’ spines while they are fully conscious.”

With the technology we have in the 21st century, who needs live animal for a production anyway?

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