Quantcast Vegetarian StarRuben Studdard Invites Vegan Chef For Dinner

Ruben Studdard Invites Vegan Chef For Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 25th, 2009 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink, Male Singers.

CUN Academy Awards Celebration Dinner & After Party - Arrivals

Ruben Studdard invited the company of a vegan chef over recently.

From a recent Tweet:

“Yall I have a Vegan Chef coming over tonight to teach me how to make a few dishes. Check out my blog site tonight for pictures of the meal.”

Ah, to have your own personal veggie chef…No more frozen beans and rice dishes.

Will Ruben hire a permanent personal chef like Red Hot Chili Peppers front man Anthony Kiedis?

If you’re in the San Fransisco area and in need of a personal vegan chef, why not give Jesse Miner a call?

A longtime vegan himself, Jesse has been featured in VegNews magazine and received the Personal Chefs Network 2008 Pacesetter Award.

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