Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Schwartzman Never “Bored To Death” With BabyCakes NYC

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We’ve heard before the Bored To Death star Jason Schwartzman loves Erin McKenna‘s NYC bakery, Babycakes.

Tribecafilm.com recently spoke with Schwartzman who confirmed BabyCakes was still his baby, along with some other New York hot spots.

“Oh, my God! Well, Babycakes is heaven on earth, shall we say? I love the cupcakes and the food and the cookies and, in fact, Babycakes always sends me cookies when it’s the Super Bowl for my guests and stuff, but what I also love about Babycakes is their M.O., like the way Erin McKenna (who owns it) did it—she had a dream and made it come true. It’s really inspiring.”

“So besides Babycakes, my other favorite places are—you know the store Opening Ceremony? What I like about Opening Ceremony is, I don’t particularly look great in all those clothes, but it’s nice because it’s a place where it’s kind of going to like an art house movie theater, where you can just see lots of different movies and see what lots of people are up to and what they’re thinking… I mean, they have very wearable clothes, but they have extremes of all different kinds of things—things that are very forward and very beautiful and great designers that you wouldn’t see in other places. So what I like about it is just going through there and flipping through the clothes and saying, Wow, so this person had this idea to take this color, put it with that color, and stitch it like that…”

Film Forum is another place, and I like the place teany [a vegan restaurant and tea shop co-owned by Moby, currently closed because of a fire]…. I’d say Babycakes, Opening Ceremony, Other Music, and I like Southside Guitars and Rivington Guitars.”

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