PETA Super Chick Sisters 2009 Rescues Pamela Anderson, Chicks
Written by Vegetarian Star on November 15th, 2009 in Animal Issues.
Gamers get ready to rescue the princess Pamela Anderson from evil Ronald McDonald and his Unhappy Meals.
PETA’s new Super Chick Sisters is here, the sequel to the 2007 Super Chick Sisters which tackled KFC’s method of chicken slaughter.
Now the Super Chick Sisters, Nugget and Chickette, are taking on McDonald’s and boy, those are some creepy looking Happy Meals they need to save the chickens from.
Players make their way through the game, rescuing chicks and looking for Pamela Anderson while being educated on the inhumane ways McDonald’s kills chickens.
To download and play Super Chick Sisters, visit McCruelty.com.
Hurry, the damsel in distress Pamela is waiting.
via kotaku.com
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