Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone “Wall Street Journal” Eating Cheap Advice

Alicia Silverstone The Kind Diet Book Launch Party

Alicia Silverstone spoke with the Wall Street Journal about her book The Kind Diet.

It’s no secret eating healthy isn’t always cheap, but when you compare the cost of good produce now to cardiac problems and other food related diseases later in life, you’ll find the investment pays off.

Alicia gave some tips on making a healthy, vegan diet work, even if you’re on a budget.

WSJ: Sometimes organic and specialty foods can be more expensive. Do you have any advice for people on a budget?

Alicia: You can do this and this will be cheaper – unless you’re eating at Mc Donald’s everyday. I cant argue with that, cause that’s just cheap. I think it can be a lot cheaper because steak and meat are really expensive. When you start shopping at a local farmer’s market, the food is really inexpensive because it’s in season. At the end of the day, after you take away all of the nasty foods and add the good foods, your grocery bill will level out.

“Nasty” foods being processed, sugar filled-usually things that are already prepared, thus costing more money anyway.

Read the entire interview with Alicia at wsj.com.

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