Quantcast Vegetarian StarMo’Nique “Precious: Based On The Novel Push” Star Quits Red Meat

The 2009 BET Hip Hop Awards Nominees

Comedian and actress Mo’Nique is a quitter of red meat!

In 2007, not only did she swear off beef and steak, but almost all fried foods as well.

Just don’t touch her Doritos.

“I still love those damn Doritos, baby!” Mo’Nique said.

As a result of changing her habits, Mo’Nique slimmed from a size 20 to a size 14.

“Big is still beautiful,” she said, clarifying that “Big healthy people are beautiful.”

Critics are pegging her as a possible Oscar nominee for her role as an abusive mother in the film, Precious: Based on The Novel Push by Sapphire.

It’s awesome that Mo’Nique gave up a major killer of both humans and animals.

Some have found that people who ate red meat have a higher chance of dying over a 10 year period than their non red meat eating peers, mainly due to cancer and cardiovascular problems.

Best of luck to Mo’Nique in both film and her diet.

via imnotobsessed.com

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