Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmma Heming Bruce Willis Madeo’s–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Bruce Willis Takes His Wife Out to Madeos!!!

Emma Heming and Bruce Willis recently enjoyed dinner at Madeo’s in West Hollywood.

Wonder if Emma wears her heart on her sleeve–literally.

Cause if that’s a real fur coat, Bruce’s new wife has got to be heartless.

Bruce may have a thing for hairy ladies, as his former wife, Demi Moore, has made PETA worst dressed celebrity list due to the family of animals in her closet.

But we hope Emma’s a total phony and was wearing a lovely faux fur that evening.

What do you think?

Did Emma fake it? Or was she fur real?

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3 Responses to “Emma Heming Bruce Willis Madeo’s–Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. Deanna Says:

    It’s a VELVET coat from Derek Lam. Don’t make an issue out of something that is absolutely Nothing!!!

  2. Pat Says:

    Yeah, it looks velvet to me too. Relax!

  3. smarty Says:

    Who cares if it is real fur? She has a right to wear what she wants. If you don’t like fur don’t wear it. Just like, if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t get one.