Quantcast Vegetarian StarJonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”–11 Things To Do Instead

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

A smart aleck by the name of Foster Kamer wrote a post for Gawker.com on some alternative ways to spend you time instead of reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s latest book, Eating Animals.

Here are just a few things Kamer says you can do besides read Jonathan’s book:

6. Eat some tacos. Pork tacos.

7. Eat some bacon (but don’t be obnoxious about it).

8. Eat a bacon cheeseburger.

Number 11 on Kamer’s list is the taker–“STFU” (Shut The (Expletive) Up).

How nice.

Eating meat must hamper your creativity skills because “burger” is way overused on the list. C’mon. Kamer could have at least branched out and said something like, “Build a model White Castle restaurant from old newspaper, then recycle it.”

At least that would have made the part time, greenie vegetarians a little happier.

Seriously, if the only way to respond to an opinion that’s different than yours is with cutesy, junior high school retorts, you had better not use that “humans can eat meat because we’re superior to animals” argument.

The number one thing to do instead of writing a nasty column on why people shouldn’t read Foer’s book?

1. STFU and (tie)
2. Read the book. Then STFU.

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One Response to “Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”–11 Things To Do Instead”

  1. boyonabike Says:

    this is the most mature, non-reactionist post i’ve ever read.