Quantcast Vegetarian StarDeirdre Imus “Greening The Cleaning” Green Cleaning Products

2nd Annual NOFA-NY Luncheon - New York City

Deirdre Imus launched her own line of green cleaning products, Cleaning the Greening, for households and hospitals years ago.

Now she’s ready to green clean the world as the products are set to enter the global marketplace.

The wife of radio host Don Imus has been a vegan for 25 years and says its was quite natural to combine her passion for health and green living into a business.

A few excerpts from a recent interview with Anna Clark of Greenbiz.com:

AC: Why are toxin-free cleaning products critical to safeguarding our health?
DI: Cancer is still the leading cause of death by disease in children. And cancer isn’t the only epidemic. One in six kids is obese. One of six kids has asthma. One in eight children is born premature. One out of 60 boys is diagnosed with autism. We’ve seen rapid growth in Tourette syndrome and diabetes. Another chronic disease growing among children is arthritis.

AC: How did you execute your vision?
DI: I approached Hackensack University Medical Center to do a pilot program. In 2000, the word green wasn’t even on the map, so I didn’t expect it to be an easy sell. I walked into the CEO John Ferguson’s office with a stack of research. He stopped me in my tracks and told me to go do it. That is literally how I got started ‘greening the cleaning.’

AC: How can someone become a distributor?
DI: Interested distributors can get information at www.DIenviro.com or call and speak to Jim Ronchi or Don O’Hagan.

Read the entire interview with Deirdre.

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3 Responses to “Deirdre Imus “Greening The Cleaning” Green Cleaning Products”

  1. Amanda Says:

    I’m glad to see that more people are getting in natural cleaning products, I switched to green a long time ago and I’m glad to be making my part for the environment.
    As for green cleaning products I use a brand called Citra Solv, it’s natural, biodegradable and cleans everything. I love it.

  2. amber cleaner Says:

    what a great article, people should really think about hard bout the future of whats happening. I co run a eco friendly cleaning company makes such a difference in everything we do as a company. Really happy im doing my bit

  3. Erin @ Welcome Home Says:

    I listen to Imus in the morning occasionally, and heard Deirdre on his show once talking about her “GREEN” cleaning products. I have owned and operated a cleaning business in our community for fifteen years, and have now changed to Green products. Having a five year old child with autism and sensory disorder, including severe allergies to food, dyes, and other products, I will never use harsh chemicals to clean my home again. He is also on the GFCF diet, and I am seriously leaning towards using that with our entire family. Good job Deirdre for bringing this to the forefront. Going “Green” has changed my life in many ways. Definitely healthier! God Bless.