Quantcast Vegetarian StarCraig Ferguson Alicia Silverstone Power Outage–Blame Seitan

Alicia Silverstone was recently on the The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson to talk about her new vegan diet and lifestyle book, The Kind Diet.

The lights went out during the interview segment, leaving both Alicia and Craig to chit chat by flashlight.

During the interview, Craig turned to Alicia’s Pecan Crusted Seitan recipe and was horrified!

“Seitan!” Craig said, and then proceeded to do a ritual over Alicia’s head mocking the removal of evil spirits.

Did the powers of seitan cause the lights to go out? Actually, it was probably the strong winds (70mph) that have been reported in the greater Los Angeles area.

“You can’t go eating stuff called seitan. Are you mad?” Craig asks.

Watch the clip and find out Alicia’s answer.

via accidentalsexiness.com

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