Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone “The Kind Diet” Giveaway Day 4


The Kind Diet

All this week, we’re hosting a giveaway and three of our lucky readers will receive a free copy of Alicia Silverstone’s new vegan diet and lifestyle book, The Kind Diet.

Every day until the end of the contest, we’re bringing you a few of Alicia’s thoughts on The Kind Diet, with a reminder to leave a comment to enter to win.

Today Alicia gives advice for those that think they’ll “slip” here and there because they’re addicted to hamburgers.

“Look, my own journey also included a time when I was an on-again- off again vegetarian, so I understand that these things don’t happen overnight. I believe that the most important thing you can offer someone is information that will allow them to get to where they need to be. In The Kind Diet, there are different entry points, so if you want to flirt with a healthier lifestyle you can do so without pressure–simply by taking in some new information and opening yourself up to better, more nutritious, and yummier food. See how that feels and go from there. For someone else, the right place to start may be a more challenging, full-on life-changing entry point. Regardless, every step in this direction can ultimately have a huge impact on your health and that of our planet. It’s important for people to know that anyone can do this. And if you fall off, get back on. Nobody’s perfect.”

And it all adds up. If everyone ate vegetarian for one day, we’d save 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a year, according to planetsave.com.

Enter to win The Kind Diet today.

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