Quantcast Vegetarian StarWoody Harrelson: Honorary Doctorate For Annoying Vegan

Spike TV's Scream 2009 - Show

Woody Harrelson is set to receive an honorary doctorate from York University this Saturday for his environmental activism.

“It’s not always the usual suspects that need to be uncovered and recognized,” said Dawn Bazely, a biology professor who helped nominate Woody and learned about his environmental efforts after watching Go Further, a 2003 film featuring Woody taking a biofueled road trip to spread the eco friendly news.

During his interview with the Tornonto Star, Woody touched a bit on his veganism.

Q: What’s your biggest challenge as a raw-food vegan?

A: Sitting at a restaurant that’s not vegan and trying to explain I can’t have any dairy or butter without annoying the s— out of everybody at the table.

Woody admits he wasn’t into the green scene in college, but became interested in the late 80s and early 90s.

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