Quantcast Vegetarian StarEd Begley Jr. Green Tips For Less Green

Ed Begley Jr. Green Tips For Less Green

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 21st, 2009 in Actors, Environment-Eco-Green.

2009 Cable's Summer Press Tour_Day3

Ed Begley Jr.‘s Green Planet show, Living With Ed, premiers another season tonight at 9PM EST.

Despite his hectic schedule preaching the green news, Green Daily was able to catch up with Ed to chat about his latest adventures in going green and how you can go green on a budget.

GD: Since the economy blew an O-ring last fall, have you noticed a significant change in the green movement?

EB: It’s a challenge, but it creates opportunity to do the cheap and easy stuff first. Pick the low hanging fruit. Like what I did in 1970s: weather stripping, home gardening, lighting, taking public transportation, riding a bike when weather permits. It took me 15 years before I could afford any of the expensive upgrades like solar panels.

GD: Can you give GD readers your top three effective yet inexpensive ways to go green at home?

EB: Sure! Check all weather stripping around doors and windows, upgrade to energy-efficient lighting, and installing an energy efficient thermostat. That’s all very inexpensive and effective.

Another feel-good thing that’s cheap and practical is a home energy audit. In many parts of the country it’s free. It gives you a heirarchy so you can prioritize what makes sense to do next. Also, you can get $1,500 assistance from the Obama administration for home energy efficiency tax credits.

Continue reading Ed’s tips of greening your home and life at greendaily.com.

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