Quantcast Vegetarian StarErin McKenna “BabyCakes” Follows Her Heart To Vegenaise

Erin Author Photo Book Copy

Photo Credit: Clarke Tolton

Erin McKenna is featured in a series of interviews highlighting women who’ve impacted vegetarian cooking at lunchboxbunch.com, Veggie Girl Power: The Interview Series.

Erin is famous for starting up BabyCakes bakery in New York city, which features vegan sweets that cater to those with food sensitivities to ingredients like gluten and sugar.

The cool thing about Erin is that although she’s not a vegetarian, she’s been successful at creating a product that’s praised by vegetarians and meat eaters alike, plus she has no problem partaking in veggie food when the time is right.

“My favorite thing ever is Vegenaise by Follow Your Heart,” Erin said. “It makes everything taste better!”

If you’ve been hiding in cholesterol laden eggy mayonnaise, it’s time to give vegan mayonnaise a try!

Vegenaise comes in five varieties: Original, Grapeseed Oil, Organic, High Omega 3, and Reduced Fat.

Start following your heart-and your tastebuds today.

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