Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik: Life’s A Lot Greener Since “Blossom”

Premiere Screening For "REX"

Mayim Bialik is a green mommy, making her own shampoo, cleaning and granola products for her family.

In a recent interview with the Sierra Club, Mayim discussed how life on the screen has become more environmentally friendly as well.

Blossom ended when I was 19. Things are a lot different now. Recycling is a standard part of everyone’s vocabulary, which is significant because of the amount of scripts. The beauty products used aren’t tested on animals and are gentler on the environment. Green practices are becoming a much more accepted line of conversation. I don’t wear leather and that’s something easier to address now.”

Read the entire interview with Mayim at sierraclub.typepad.com.

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