Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlison Goldfrapp Most Popular Cats Protection Celebrity Paw Print

Teenage Cancer Trust: Goldfrapp

Alison Goldfrapp is one popular kitten!

Her celebrity paw print sold for £502.00 at this year’s Celebrity Paws auction which benefited Cats Protection, a feline advocacy group in the UK.

Other popular signatures were Phil Collins, which was sold for £430.00 and Top Gear presenter James May, which was sold for £271.00.

Alison Goldfrapp Cats Protection Paw Print

Alison Goldfrapp Cats Protection Paw Print

Vegan singer Chrissie Hynde also donated her print to the event.

When John Challis was asked why he chose to participate, he answered:

“I love cats and I have done a lot of work for charities with a similar cause. We actually inherited some feral cats on the farm and we decided to take care of them. They were breeding at the time, so we took them to the vets and found homes for their kittens. We weren’t really cat people before that, but I think that cats have a way of finding you. We have one male cat and one female- they both follow us around all of the time”.

To take another look at all the celebrity paw prints from this year’s auction, visit cats.org.

via looktothestars.org

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