Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristian Serratos Thanks Burger King

Christian Serratos Thanks Burger King

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 8th, 2009 in Actresses, Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink.

7th Annual Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party

Christian Serratos appreciates it when a traditional fast food giant remembers to put a little veg love on the menu.

On a recent Tweet, Christian wrote:

“Thank you Burger King for having veggie burgers. Yummmmmyyy”

The next time you’re in an otherwise meat-laden, grease fest food establishment and you’re able to consume something from the menu, follow Christian’s lead.

Because if they never know we want it, we’ll never get it!

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3 Responses to “Christian Serratos Thanks Burger King”

  1. Brent Says:

    I ate the Burger King veggie burger many afternoons and evenings in college-we had a BK in the food court in the Union.

    It was actually pretty good and they made it in the microwave or someplace separate from the meat grill.

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