Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmrita Rao, Shahid Kapoor Get Naked For PETA

Amrita Rao, Shahid Kapoor Get Naked For PETA

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 8th, 2009 in Actors, Actresses.

The 2009 International Indian Film Academy Awards

Well, as far as we know they’ll both be only scantily clad, but close enough to nakedness!

Two vegetarian Bollywood stars, Shahid Kapoor and Amrita Rao will be debuting their vegetarian PSAs for PETA.

The ads are said to be shot next month and will feature both Shahid and Amrita together, wrapped in tomato vines, with the tagline, “Let Vegetarianism Grow on You.”

Amrita will wear hot pants and a tube top, while Shahid will being showing off his pecs.

Shahid is so pumped on vegetarianism, he even drafted his dog into it.

Amrita’s biggest film success has been for her role in Vivah!

via starboxoffice.com

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