Quantcast Vegetarian StarElizabeth Hurley Cured Meat Snack Time, Animal Hide Sexy Time

GQ Men Of The Year Awards at The Royal Opera House in London, UK

Elizabeth Hurley has never landed on most vegetarians’ favorite celebrity list.

Too many things keeping her from breaking in the top 10, like her organic “healthy” dinners containing meat and the Blackglama fur ads.

Hurley has admitted to liking cured meat like beef jerky. And sex on a sheepskin. Oh, we’re sorry, that was TMI-too much mammal information.

“It’s an excellent thing for anyone on the Atkins diet. I did a movie in South Africa with Ice Cube and it’s all I ate. I was very thin – 121lbs.”

If that’s not enough to make your hurl-ey, try envisioning Liz au naturel on an animal rug.

The actress admits to enjoying sex on sheepskin rugs by her fireplace.

“Next time you go to someone’s house in the country, be sure to check out if they have warm, possibly fluffy, rugs in front of their fire.

“No prizes for guessing why they’re there! I can also shyly confess to having two sheepskin rugs in front of all my fireplaces!”

Let’s just hope dear ol’ Liz doesn’t run out of breath during her, uh, vigorous activity.

Cured meats have been linked to increase chances of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

via malextra.com

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One Response to “Elizabeth Hurley Cured Meat Snack Time, Animal Hide Sexy Time”

  1. Elizabeth Hurley’s Breakfast Statement Leaves You Hungry For Medical Truth Says:

    […] containing meat, to admitting her love for beef jerky and other processed meats, and revealing too much information about sex on a dead animal by the fireplace, she never seems to impress. Lately, she’s mouthing off on Twitter about how breakfast […]