Quantcast Vegetarian StarPristine Beauty Vegan Products Honor Breast Cancer Awareness


Pristine Beauty

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we thought it’d be a great opportunity to highlight the business genius of Pristine Beauty.

Created by a breast cancer survivor, Pristine Beauty Products are certified vegan and cruelty-free, not to mention free of nasty chemicals that have been linked to cancer, such as sulfates, silicones and parabens.

Pristine Beauty features deodrant (The “Take a Whiff” shown here), scar treatment and hair serum and range from $22-$36.

When you purchase your goods from either shoppristinebeauty.com or a retail establishment, a portion of the proceeds go towards Young Survival Coalition® and the Cancer Prevention Coalition.

For more information, visit shoppristinebeauty.com.

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One Response to “Pristine Beauty Vegan Products Honor Breast Cancer Awareness”

  1. diep flap reconstruction Says:

    Thanks for hihglighting the business of a cancer survivor during breast cancer awareness month. It’s so inspiring to see how other women have not only beaten breast cancer but have also gone on the thirve personally and professionally. I recently got diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy. No one should ever have to make such a gut wrenching decision. I hope and pray every day that more people do their part to help make a world in which our daughters can live free of this disease. Thanks for helping make that dream more of a reality through this post.