Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills V Bites The Bronx Opening [Update]

Heather Mills V Bites The Bronx Opening [Update]

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 4th, 2009 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Heather Mills Launches V-Bites Restaurant

Update: V  Bites The Bronx isn’t here yet.

Vegan foodies in the U.S. will be glad to hear that Heather Mills has opened a V Bites restaurant in the Bronx, New York.

This comes just months after the grand opening of V Bites in Hove Lagoon in the UK.

Heather personally was present at the opening yesterday afternoon.

Heather’s no stranger to the area, as she’s worked with a charity of hers, Hunts Point Alliance, serving underprivileged Bronx children and families.

Last year, Heather donated over a million dollars of vegan food to children and families in the Bronx area and has also taught weekend cooking classes.

It was rumored months ago that Heather was looking in the NY area to open her vegan restaurant, but after V Bites in the UK opened its doors, many assumed Heather was done for awhile.

Thank goodness she’s like the vegan Energizer Bunny and shows no signs of stopping.

via imnotobsessed.com

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2 Responses to “Heather Mills V Bites The Bronx Opening [Update]”

  1. Chuck E. No Cheese Says:

    Sweet! Where’s the NYC store link? When I’m in the area, I will stopping by.

  2. M Says:

    She had said she wanted to open them around the world.

    V Bites franchise, baby! All the way!